We would love to welcome you and your dancer to join our Céim Óir Dance Family.
SUMMER CAMP 2024 - We are hosting a 2 day workshop for absolute beginners, Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st August, no experience necessary! Just click on the Reserve A Class BUTTON and let us know that you'd like to attend! We will follow up with an email to sign you up!
If you'd like a trial lesson throughout the year - Your first lesson is COMPLETELY FREE!
Sign up for your free class by completing the form below or emailing us at ceimoir@aol.com with your details. Check out our locations tab to see what location suits you best. Our ADULT classes take place at the ICC (formally known at the Irish Centre) in Hammersmith
We also cater for dancers from beginner to World Championship standard and accept dancers at all levels. We are particularly proud of our TiNy ToTs (Little Jiggers) programme for 2-4 year olds. Our Shining Stars (Pre Grades & Grades dancers) start in our main classes from 5 years old upwards. If you love to dance or think you'd love to dance, this is the place for you!
Don't Delay, Enroll Today!
Teachers are DBS Checked, Fully Insured & First Aiders. All classes continue to follow government guidelines with COVID risk assessments in place.